Module Interface TMInterface

Package: pubsub_sim.TM
File: src/TM/TMInterface.ned

The Topology Manager Module Interface

This is the topology manager module interface of the simulation. All the produced topology managers should follow the instructions of this module. The choise can later be made through the initialization file.

Author:: Nikolaos Vastardis



ICN_Net (network)

The ICN Simulation Ground

ICN_Network (network)

The ICN Simulation Ground


Name Value Description
display i=block/network2

Source code:

// <b> The Topology Manager Module Interface </b>
// This is the topology manager module interface of the simulation. All the 
// produced topology managers should follow the instructions of this module.
// The choise can later be made through the initialization file.
// @author: Nikolaos Vastardis
moduleinterface TMInterface
        input TMin @labels(TM_msg);
        output TMout @labels(TM_msg);