Packet LSMPacket

File: src/LinkMon/LSMPacket.msg

C++ definition

The Link State Monitoring Packet

Packet sent by the Link Monitor module to the Topology Manager, in order to inform on any changes in the link quality and status. It includes the type of the change, the node ID, the RepLen and the quality measurements. It is send directly to the Topology manager, and does not need any confirmation of reception.

See also: TMInterface, Forwarder

Author:: Nikolaos Vastardis


Name Type Description
nodeID string
repLen uint8_t
lid string[]
linkStatus QoSList[]
type uint8_t

Source code:

// <b> The Link State Monitoring Packet </b>
// Packet sent by the Link Monitor module to the Topology Manager, in order to 
// inform on any changes in the link quality and status. It includes the type of 
// the change, the node ID, the RepLen and the quality measurements. It is send 
// directly to the Topology manager, and does not need any confirmation of reception.
// @see TMInterface, Forwarder
// @author: Nikolaos Vastardis
packet LSMPacket
    uint8_t type;
    string nodeID;
    uint8_t repLen;
    string lid[];
    QoSList linkStatus[];