Simple Module FwTable

Package: pubsub_sim.ForwTable
File: src/ForwTable/FwTable.ned

C++ definition

The Forwarding Table

Stores the forwarding table. (Per-interface configuration is stored in InterfaceTable). It is used by the Forwarder module of every PSRouter in order to forward the publish subscribe packets (PSErtherApp.msg) to the correct route.

This module has no gates; all functionality can be accessed via member functions of the C++ module class. For detailed info, please see the C++ documentation of the class (Doxygen).

See also: Forwarder

Author:: Nikolaos Vastardis


Used in compound modules:

If a module type shows up more than once, that means it has been defined in more than one NED file.

PSRouter (compound module)

The Publish-Subscribe Router

PubHost (compound module)

The Publisher Host

SubHost (compound module)

The Subscriber Host


Name Type Default value Description
routerId string "auto"

for routers, the router id using IP address dotted notation; specify "auto" to select the highest interface address; should be left empty ("") for hosts

IPForward bool true

turns IP forwarding on/off

routingFile string ""

routing table file name


Name Value Description
display i=block/table

Source code:

// <b> The Forwarding Table </b>
// Stores the forwarding table. (Per-interface configuration is stored in
// InterfaceTable). It is used by the Forwarder module of every PSRouter
// in order to forward the publish subscribe packets (PSErtherApp.msg) to
// the correct route.
// This module has no gates; all functionality can be accessed via member
// functions of the C++ module class. For detailed info, please see the C++
// documentation of the class (Doxygen).
// @see Forwarder
// @author: Nikolaos Vastardis
simple FwTable
        string routerId = default("auto"); // for routers, the router id using IP address dotted
                          // notation; specify "auto" to select the highest
                          // interface address; should be left empty ("") for hosts
        bool IPForward = default(true);  // turns IP forwarding on/off
        string routingFile = default("");  // routing table file name